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LIST DATA 39th AMASES Meeting - Padova, September 10-12

Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 2000 characters (spaces included) in PDF format, by June 15, 2015.

The abstract must contain: title, authors, affiliation (for each author), institution address (for each author), e-mail address (for each author), one to four keywords and at most five references.

The abstracts should be written in English and sent to the address amases2015@math.unipd.it.

Submitters are also required to fill the following form: please give the e-mail of the presenter, the title of the paper, name and affiliation of the presenter and of possible co-authors and please indicate in which of the parallel sessions the paper could be presented.

Web: http://events.math.unipd.it/amases2015
Expire date: June 15, 2015

CANNOT SUBSCRIBE! - List was expired on June 15, 2015